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poa tea pill if you can’t have a cuppa
品茶……丸子  detail>>
will you have some tea
你喝点茶好吗  detail>>
you can have it all
你便能拥有全部 也不错喔  detail>>
can i have a word with you
我能跟你谈一谈吗  detail>>
you can have me anytime
你可随时拥有我  detail>>
 n.  〔英口〕一杯茶。 What about a cuppa 想喝杯茶吗?  detail>>
can you have them sent by railway
能采用  detail>>
girl, i can’t wait to have you
女孩,我迫不及待想拥有你  detail>>
must have a code that you can live by
必须持有原则赖以生存  detail>>
you can dream of what might have been
你可以追怀那些曾经拥有的  detail>>
you can take all i have,
我的一切都属于你  detail>>
you can’t have your cake and eat it
工作的时候工作 游戏的时候游戏  detail>>
波阿 调度中逐次优化算法 玄空神域 胰胎瘤抗原,胰癌胚抗原 早熟禾属  detail>>
a pill to make you dumb
药物使你变哑  detail>>
a pill to make you numb
药物使你麻木  detail>>
you can
不准过去 连用时 你不能凭他嘴上说的就算数  detail>>
can can you
将你装于  detail>>
have some tea
喝茶  detail>>